What the Data Shows

The Opp is an unwavering champion for the promotion of high-quality afterschool programming. In its commitment to ensuring excellence, The Opp employs a comprehensive approach to evaluate afterschool experiences, utilizing a range of nationally recognized evaluation tools and data metrics

The Opp is the only organization collecting citywide OST data that is used for everything from program evaluation to creating logic models by youth, education, social service, and arts organizations across Tulsa.

Why track the data?

Created in partnership with 9B and using data that we are meticulously tracking with program partners, this map shows us a view by school and city council district of where afterschool programming is currently happening. Real time data like this is important in addressing program equity and accessibility across Tulsa.

During Fall 2024, we tracked the engagement of 5,521 youth through TIDEL.

By connecting our data system TIDEL (Tulsa’s Integrated Data-System for Expanded Learning) with Student Information Systems, The Opp helps partners understand the demographics of the youth they serve to make informed decisions on everything from access to program quality. This also allows partners to connect their work to the impact on youth throughout their entire expanded learning experience.

TIDEL Functions:

  • Integrated with TPS Power School (in-school student data)

  • Program Enrollment and Attendance

  • Student Medical Information

  • Student Demographic Information

  • Federal Program Participation ( i.e. ELL, IEP, Free and Reduced Lunch)

  • Family information

  • Student Consents and Permissions

  • Staff & Volunteers

  • Group & Individual Programs

  • Drop-In Programs

  • Barcode Scanning

  • Built in pre- and post- SAYO-Y survey

  • Customizable Reports (Support from The Opp Team to make data decisions)

Want to learn more about our data systems or get access to TIDEL, contact Greg Lowry at carolineshaw@oppthe.org.

For Fall 2024, 5,521 unique youth engaged in an average of 27 hours of free or low-cost enrichment activities.

TIDEL Tutorials

Accessing TIDEL

Creating Group Programs

Reports in TIDEL

Enrollment and Attendance

Barcode Scanning Features

Assigning TPS Students to External Sites